Date - 30/07/2020
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

WHEN: Thurs 30th July from 7pm via Zoom

WHERE: Joining instructions have been sent by e-mail.  If you haven’t received yours please e-mail

The Annual General Meetings of the Woldingham Garden Village Residents Association (WGVRA) and the Garden Village (Woldingham) Peace Centre Charity will take place on Thurs 3oth July following on from the Woldingham Garden Village Road Fund Assocation (WGVRFA) AGM.

Dial in and find out what the Village Hall and Committee does. If you fancy joining us all committee positions are open We also need volunteers from time to time, even if it is once per year.Please consider helping your community and your local Village Hall.

The AGM notices and nomination forms for the WGVRA and the Garden Village Peace Centre Trustees are below.  The minutes from last years AGM are also available to view on the website now.   Remember, to vote at the WGVRA meeting you need to be a paid member and the membership year commenced again in Feb. Membership remains the same at £30 per household (or £15 per individual member).  Cheques can be posted to no 52 Hilltop Walk or bank acct details available on request from

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